You are in the right place if you ..

  • Want healthy sustainable weight care.
  • Want weight care treatment without being shamed.
  • Want a physician created weight care plan that's simple, successful, & individualized. 
  • Want an expert guiding you to your best health.
Join Now

You are in the wrong place if you...

  • Want to keep doing the same thing expecting a different result
  • Don't care about your health and want to lose weight by any means possible.
  • Want the metabolic cause of your weight gain ignored.
  • Don't care about the education, experiences, & expertise of your prescriber. 
  • Want any weight you lose to come right back once any part of your life changes.


Depressed when stepping on a scale? Been there.  Hiding from photos? Been there too.

I'm Dr. Catherine Toomer and this is the ONLY photo of me near my heaviest

Though I am a medical doctor, I still wanted help and encouragement to reverse my obesity, diabetes, and near fatal pregnancy related congestive heart failure...

But I also wanted help with mom-guilt, job insecurity & the psychological impact of not feeling healthy.

The popular "eat-less-exercise-more" approach that many programs push, just doesn't you might have experienced.

And let's not even talk about the "shame-to-change" many in weight loss spaces are so fond of...

I was even turned away from well known programs for being too high of a heart risk.

So I created my own program, and what is now the TOTAL Wellness + Weight Care was born.

I lost 60 pounds in 6 months twenty-one years ago by controlling my Type 2 Diabetes, and another 47 pounds using GLP1 medications since - even through life's stresses, menopause, and a pandemic.

More about Dr. Toomer

So I basically kind of gave up...

I kept asking my doctors ...their answers: eat better.

I thought I was... so I basically kind of gave up.

I felt bad, my knees were hurting, my weight was out of control and I was on the verge of Type 2 Diabetes...

I originally went to Dr Toomer for help to lose weight.

While she did help me do that, she also was the only one who listened, helped figure out what was going on, why I gained weight to begin with...

I cannot thank her enough for what she has done for me.

*images shown with permission

"This program is as much about prevention as it is reversal..."  Dr. Toomer

"It's just a great feeling not to have joint pain every day, all the time..." 

 An actual patient in her own voice...



 No other  wellness & weight care membership treatment program gives you access to so many highly respected doctors in their fields.

No other wellness & weight care membership treatment program prides itself for providing  a supportive space with a caring physician.

I am a CommunityHealth and Family Medicine doc...not a bot, not an app.
I want you to to get the help & encouragement you need when you actually need it.


You never have to guess on what to do next.  I am here for that.


schedule your screening & strategy interview here

For the high level of individualized attention and the enormous transformation offered, it is important to make sure you are a good fit for this program.   

Lost 50 pounds

"...for years I couldn’t understand why I wasn’t losing weight.

I went to Dr Toomer and she discovered the issue...

I have lost 50 pounds to date...

Thank you Dr. Toomer."

Linda W.

Easier than I thought

"Dr. Toomer is great!

Always available and so encouraging!

She is making my weight loss journey easier than I ever thought it could be!

Made it to 2 milestones and still going!"

Kelly S.

client names withheld to maintain their privacy


Meet your health, wellness, & weight care course creator 

Catherine H. Toomer, M.D.

Hello! I’m Dr. Toomer, physician, hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner, and creator of the TOTAL Wellness + Weight Care Membership Program to help individuals, perhaps like you,  who are sick and tired of being sick and tired, or maybe overwhelmed by all the weight loss noise being shoved down your throat (pun intended).

Weight loss should lead to  a life of calm, control, and confidence, not constant struggle to keep it off.

I know that TOTAL Wellness + Weight Care Program will give you what you want and need. I lost 100 pounds using my program without exercise and without can be done

I’ve been a physician for 25 years, helping my patients & clients collectively lose thousands of pounds and keeping it off (myself included)...

Now I will help you

So why all the dandelions? Because they are the symbol of transformation and that is what my program represent.