Serve and Earn With Confidence

What would you choose:  3X your revenue, or 3X the free time you have now? Or both? (listen)


Seamlessly create a highly successful weight health program in or as your practice (like I did)...

And practice medicine on your own terms (like I do now).

Weight Care is a multi-billion dollar industry that lends itself to financial freedom and complete time autonomy, but can be wrought with abuse.
We owe it to ourselves and our patients to take control of a medical process being run by many non-medical entities taking advantage of those we care for.

Patients want people they can trust to help them navigate the wave of conflicting information. You are that person.

I am Dr. Catherine H. Toomer, Family Medicine & Community Health physician who founded Health Wellness & Weight Loss Centers after 23 years in clinical medicine.

22 years ago, I had a BMI over 40, was an insulin-dependent diabetic, when diagnosed with postpartum cardiomyopathy and told I had a 50% chance of living 5 years.

I knew I had to do something if I wanted to see my toddler and newborn graduate from preschool let alone college.

I sought help to control my weight and diabetes, but was turned away for being too high risk. So I created my own signature process.

I have shed 107 pounds in total and over the years have helped hundred of others control their health through weight loss. I now teach my method to other clinicians so they can easily help their patients lose weight while also creating financial freedom.

I founded HWWLC to revolutionize the shame-to-change method too often seen in wellness & weight loss spaces. 

Many patients report feeling shamed by clinicians because of their weight even when seeking help to lose the weight, then give up after feeling unseen and unheard.

I create clinician training programs to fill the biopsychosocial gap in our weight health training and our healthcare system as a whole.

There are patients who are seeking help to lose weight and who are being left without it, or worse being harmed by those taking advantage of their desperation.

We are the gatekeepers of health care and it is time we take charge of this life saving process... 

For the patient with a HGA1c of 10 who now has a HGA1c of 5.6 after using my process...

For the patient in unbearable pain, who was turned away from knee surgery because of her high BMI, who shed over 100 pounds, was able to get her knee replacement surgery, and now walks unaided (not to mention the countless others who no longer needed surgery)...  

For the 75 year old who has yo-yo dieted her whole life and wanted to take charge of her health, then shed 60 pounds and has kept it off now well into her 80s...

For the clinician who is burnt out in our present ill-health system who can relax using a tried and true process...

For the clinician who is losing patients to those less educated and less afraid to give them weight loss assistance...

And for those who want to recoup their educational investment.

So again, why am I doing this? Because there is such a demand for weight health services and simply not enough of us to fill that need. 

Join me so this will now change...

Enroll Now

What To Expect:
To Earn & Serve with Confidence

* A quick return on your investment for a highly sought after services & verticals

* Monthly 1:1 laser focused coaching for you or your mid-levels to walk you through creating a program that fits your financial goals, time, and patient needs.

* Monthly drop-in group support, Q&A, and expert masterclasses as directed by the group

* Exclusive access to weight care affiliate platforms for  quick program implementation

* Private Facebook group for support & community

* Access to a comprehensive self paced online course to master the process of successful weight care and business growth

* Exclusive inclusion in a weight care referral directory


 "An expert in her field. Very knowledgable. A trusted source"

"I found Dr. Toomer to be attentive and very informative and eager to share her knowledge to advance and encourage others."

2024 Full Investment


Your 12 month program begins now

  • 1:1 coaching for comprehensive & profitable weight care program development
  • Patient assessment & treatment course material
  • White label forms, handouts, and consents & more
  • Monthly live support group coaching & masterclasses
  • Exclusive private Facebook support group 
  • Added to a weight care referral directories.
  • Exclusive access to affiliate weight care partners for "plug and play" programs
  • 2024 Investment locked-in

2024 Monthly Investment

$1100 monthly

Your 12 month program begins now

  • 1:1 coaching for comprehensive & profitable weight care program development
  • Patient assessment & treatment course material
  • White label forms, handouts, and consents & more
  • Monthly live support group coaching & masterclasses
  • Exclusive private Facebook support groups 
  • Added to a weight care referral directories.
  • Exclusive access to affiliate weight care partners for "plug and play" programs
  • 2024 Investment locked-in

all payment are tax deductible 

Investment Full


course drops October 15th

  • 1:1 60-minute coaching session (or 30mins x 2)
  •  Access to live group coaching x 1 year
  • 20+ CME self-paced audiovisual course
  • Forever access
  • Access to all support groups
  • All course updates for 2 years

Investment Installment

$3725 monthly X 3

course drops October 15th

  • 20+ CME self-paced audiovisual course
  • Forever access 
  • Access to live group coaching x 1 year
  • Access to all support groups
  • All course updates 
Schedule a Strategy Meeting with Dr. Toomer

Still not sure, but want to keep up with what's going on?